Center for Life Skill Education

Center for life skill education is a project under Anannia which aims to help young students to develop soft skills that are essential for their day to day life. The programme is structured in the form of summer camps for children at our premises situated at Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram. The camp includes a wide range of activities, listed below.

A child holding up a cup full of pencils

Various arts and crafts classes to provide an outlet for the innate creativity of the children.

The production of an original short film, created completely by the children.

Four children at a camera on a tripod
A drama in progress

Theatre classes by award-winning professionals and performance opportunities in various venues.

Exposure and training in various technologies to equip them with skills required in a technological world.

Children working on a computer
A child studying

Personality development sessions and social awareness classes on topics like human rights, gender, and the environment.

Short Films

Direction, script, acting, editing, and everything else: all by our children.